Zackary Mayo

As a hyperlocal® real estate agent, I pride myself on my deep familiarity with our community, from the local small businesses, schools, and boutiques to the vibrant people who make this area special. My extensive network and connections within the community allow me to provide unparalleled insights and opportunities to my clients.

With a track record of excellent agent statistics, I consistently achieve a high list-to-sales price ratio and maintain impressive average days on market. My clients’ satisfaction is my top priority, as evidenced by the stellar reviews I’ve received.

I am extremely tech-savvy, leveraging the latest technological assets to enhance my marketing, social media presence, and sphere of influence. This approach not only helps me stay ahead in the real estate market but also provides significant benefits to my buyers and sellers in various ways.

At PROACTIVE Real Estate, I specialize in a wide range of property types and situations, including investment properties, vacation homes, secondary residences, and assisting first-time homebuyers. My experience spans various home types, such as manufactured homes, condominiums, townhomes, and island properties.

With a strong social media presence and connections with small business owners throughout the county, I am well-equipped to help you navigate your real estate journey successfully. Trust me to provide the expertise, dedication, and hyperlocal® knowledge you need to achieve your real estate goals.

3369 Holden Beach Rd
Holden Beach, NC 28462
